KNACK Magazine - Contemporary Children Labor
A lot of children do the household chores. Caring for their siblings or sick parent.


Thumbnail sketch

Quick photoshoot with my daughter Selma - drawing of Egon Schiele, sculpture of Pierre Hughe

I Refined the sketch in photoshop with wacom. With a more complex composition this digital sketching is easier.
It allows me to work in layers and easier cut & paste and manipulate the different elements.

I print the sketch A4 size > Lightbox tracing in blue pencil
Then I draw the linework, with pencil

I remove the blue sketchy lines digitally (Image > adjustments > hue/saturation, edit: cyaan)
I Increase the contrast and bitmap the image (= No halftones but a sharp, graphic line)
This way I have sharp graphic lines which are at the same time loose & grainy

I start with flat shapes. Because my lines aren't closed I can't use the bucket.
So a bit more work but with the wacom tablet it's ok.
Last Step: fill in some shapes with textures and patterns
And a bit of extra linework (colored & white) with wacom, Backline to a dark blue/purple.

The texture is pencil > increase contrast, bitmap
I like graphical patterns, I discovered and used sashimi here (nice Japanese sticking patterns) and a carpet

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