Story: Dieter Rogiers - Drawings: Stijn Felix
Story: Dieter Rogiers - Drawings: Stijn Felix
Tunguska is a graphic novel telling the fantastic story behind an unexplained
explosion and the epic expedition trying to uncover the truth in 1908 Siberia.
This Comic won the Belgian Award
Knack Focus STRIPSTRIJD 2010


With this 4 pages trailer we won the 'Knack Focus Stripstrijd' a two-yearly Belgian comic competition.
With this 4 pages trailer we won the 'Knack Focus Stripstrijd' a two-yearly Belgian comic competition.
As a reward, in 2010-2011 the weekly magazine Focus ran the first 43 pages of Tunguska.
Tunguska is a graphic novel about a secret expedition to Siberia in 1908. The story is based on a true event (a meteorite exploded above the region, flattening a vast forest) but we have mixed in fantastical elements and historical figures, including Rasputin, Lenin, Trotsky and Nikola Tesla.
Tunguska is a graphic novel about a secret expedition to Siberia in 1908. The story is based on a true event (a meteorite exploded above the region, flattening a vast forest) but we have mixed in fantastical elements and historical figures, including Rasputin, Lenin, Trotsky and Nikola Tesla.
The first 9 pages of Tunguska you'll see right here.

Pencildrawings and wacom-coloring in photoshop.
Here a few pencils.
Pencildrawings and wacom-coloring in photoshop.
Here a few pencils.

Some characterstudies

Thanks for watching!